MRT at RACEWAY PARK: 230 Pension Rd, Englishtown, NJ 07726
The Basic Rider Course (BRC) teaches the necessary mental and physical skills needed for riding. In New Jersey, this course provides a waiver of the written and riding licensing tests. You have nothing to do at Motor Vehicles but process the paperwork.
Drive in and please park on the right side of the roadway and wait there. We will take attendance at 7:00, OR at 11:00 for the PM class. You will then follow in your car to the classroom
The program is TWO consecutive days. You will be riding both days.Total time will vary depending on weather and student progress. You will be in
either the AM or PM class.
Riding exercises include low-speed maneuvers and basic skills such as shifting, accelerating, braking, cornering, U-turns, lane change, as well as evasive maneuvers. All are done in an enclosed, private riding area.
Although this is a Group Riding Course, you'll receive individual Rider Coach feedback
Motorcycles are provided--you may use your own helmet, providing it is DOT certified, or borrow one of ours no charge.
We provide a variety of sizes and types of motorcycles that allow us to fit almost anyone
What you MUST Wear (NOTE you will not be allowed to ride without all of the following):
Food/beverages for breaks and lunch--this is a MUST. You will NOT HAVE TIME TO GO OUT FOR FOOD.
You MUST have all the above riding gear--you will not ride without this gear, NO reschedule, NO refund if you are missing gear
Need more information? Contact our dedicated team today. We’ll be glad to help!